
Client: American Express

Purpose: Internal Communication to foster understanding around new AMEX enterprise guidelines for consistent and on-brand communications.

Role: Story board artist / art director / illustrator

  • Developed visual story to script utilizing new AMEX illustrative brand guidelines, characters and icons

  • Created layouts for all keyframes

  • Developed new illustrations and characters reflecting the AMEX illustrative style as needed.


Client: American Express

Purpose: Internal Communication to foster understanding around new AMEX enterprise guidelines for consistent and on-brand communications.

Role: Story board artist / art director / illustrator

  • Developed visual story to script utilizing new AMEX illustrative brand guidelines, characters and icons

  • Created layouts for all keyframes

  • Developed new illustrations and characters reflecting the AMEX illustrative style as needed.

Client: ALM Media LLC
Purpose: App launch promotion
Role: As Senior Director, Creative Services — creative direction, storyboard, music direction/licensing Videographer/Editor: PusherHQ

Client: American Express OPEN
Purpose: Motion graphic for corporate event opening.
Role: event theme graphic, motion graphics art direction, arrangement/performance of AMEX brand audio theme.

Client: ALM Media LLC
Purpose: App launch promotion
Role: As Senior Director, Creative Services — creative direction, storyboard, music direction/licensing, copy and editorial direction
Videographer/Editor: Fredric King / Fountainhead Transmedia

Client: Luck & Senses / Self
Purpose: Music video, promotion
Role: Music composition, performance, videography, illustration, animation, editing